Halo effect

Halo effect: Bias which occurs when the rater's personal opinion of a specific trait of employee influences the rater's overall assessment of performance.

Performance appraisal

Performance appraisal: A systematic and objective way of evaluating both work related behavior and potential of employees.

Behavior modelling

Behavior modelling: An approach that demonstrates desired behavior and gives trainees the chance to practice and role-play those behaviors and receive feedback.


Understudy: A development method whereby potential managers are given the chance to temporarily relieve an experienced manager of part of his job and act as…

Programmed learning

Programmed learning: A kind of individual study where trainees learn through a series of small steps, e.g., Linear programming.

Simulation method

Simulation method: It is a method employed to develop a situation that is close to reality where people learn by doing things — in a…

Management game

Management game: It is a learning exercise representing a real-life situation where trainees compete with each other to achieve specific objectives.

Executive development

Executive development: The process in which executives acquire not only skills and competence in their present jobs but also capabilities for future managerial tasks of…

Person analysis

Person analysis: Assessment of employee performance and the knowledge and skill necessary to reach that level of performance.


In-basket: A method where the trainee is required to examine a basket full of papers and files relating to his area and make recommendations on…

Task analysis

Task analysis: Process of determining what the content of a training programme should be on the basis of a study of the tasks and duties…


Case: An in-depth description of a particular situation an employee might encounter on the job.


Apprenticeship: A training method that puts trainees under the guidance of a master worker, typically for 2-5 years.


Simulations: Any artificial environment that tries to closely mirror an actual condition. These include case studies, decision games, role plays, etc.


Counselling: The discussion of an employee's problem with the general objective of helping the employee cope with it.