Organizational teams

Organizational teams: A 'top management team', bound together because it contributes to overall objectives.

Traditional Performance Appraisal

Traditional Performance Appraisal: Traditional performance appraisal methods involve quantitative tolls to rate employees and are oriented to numerical or scalar ratings.

Employee Appraisal

Employee Appraisal: It is a method by which the job performance of an employee is evaluated (generally in terms of quality, quantity, cost and time).

Ideal Performance Management System

Ideal Performance Management System: The ideal performance management system is one that energizes the people in an organization to focus effort on improving things that…

Uncovering Purpose

Uncovering Purpose: As we release ourselves from the hold of our needs, so we create the opportunity for our sense of purpose to begin to…

Safety Nets

Safety Nets: Mentoring cultures establish safety nets to overcome or avoid potential stumbling blocks and roadblocks with minimum repercussion and risk.

A Mentor

A Mentor: A mentor is an individual, usually older, always more experienced, who helps and guides another individual's development.


SMART: SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound.


KRA: Key Result Areas to indicate the performance target of individual employees of an organization, aligning with the business goals.

Time Study

Time Study: Carried out to decide the standard time required performing a job and then basing the wage and incentives on the same standards.

Dearness Allowance

Dearness Allowance: These allowances are paid to protect the fall of real wages of employees, keeping pace with the price rise.

Living Wages

Living Wages: Wage rate which not only provide the bare essentials of food, clothing and shelter but a measure of frugal comfort, including education for…

Job Evaluation

Job Evaluation: Process of measuring the relative worth of a job to decide the wage rate.