On-the-job training

On-the-job training: Any training technique that involves allowing the person to learn the job by actually performing it on the job.

Role plating

Role plating: A development technique requiring the trainee to assume a role in a given situation and act out behaviors associated with that role.


Feedback: The process of providing trainees with information about their performance.

Training Needs Assessment

Training Needs Assessment: The systematic method of determining if a training needs exists and if it does, what training is required to fill the gap…

Needs Assessment

Needs Assessment: It means that the individual assessed has a defined job performance or that an organization has defined objectives and goals.

Time draft

Time draft: A promise to pay by the accepting party at some future date.

Sight draft

Sight draft: A draft payable on presentation to the drawee.

Letter of Credit

Letter of Credit: Issued by a bank, indicating that the bank will make payment under special circumstances.

Export-Import Bank (EXIM Bank)

Export-Import Bank (EXIM Bank): Agency of the Central government whose mission is to provide aid in financing and facilitate exports and imports.

Bill of lading (or draft)

Bill of lading (or draft): A document issued to an exporter by a common carrier transporting merchandise. It serves as a receipt, a contract, and…

Bill of Exchange

Bill of Exchange: An order written by an exporter instructing an importer, or an importer's agent, to pay a specified amount of money at a…

Free trade

Free trade: The absence of barriers to the free flow of goods and services.


Exporting: Sale of products produced in one country residents of another country.

Counter trade

Counter trade: The trade of goods and services for other goods and services.