Career path

Career path: The sequential pattern of jobs that comprises one's career.

Career planning and development

Career planning and development: A conscious process through which a person becomes aware of personal career-related attributes and the lifelong series of stages that contribute…

Career anchor

Career anchor: A concern or value that you will not give up if a choice has to me made.

Career stages

Career stages: An individual's career moves through five stages; exploration, establishment, mid-career, late career and decline.


Career: A sequence of positions held by a person during the course of a lifetime.

Systems Thinking

Systems Thinking: This is the ability to see the bigger picture, to look at the interrelationships of a system as opposed to simple cause-effect chains.

Personal Mastery

Personal Mastery: It is the process of continually clarifying and deepening an individual's personal vision.

Shared Visions

Shared Visions: To create a shared vision, large numbers of people within the organization must draft it, empowering them to create a single image of…

Learning Organizations

Learning Organizations: Learning Organizations are organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of…

Social Learning

Social Learning: It integrates the cognitive and operant approaches to learning.

Operant Conditioning

Operant Conditioning: It includes a voluntary change in behavior and learning occurs as a consequence of such change.

Classical Conditioning

Classical Conditioning: It is modifying behavior so that a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus and elicits and unconditioned behavior.


Learning: A permanent change in behavior as a result of experience.

Management Development

Management Development: The process in which managers (executives) acquire not only skills and competence in their present jobs but also capabilities for future managerial tasks…


Counselling: The discussion of an employee's problem with the general objective of helping the employee cope with it.