Darlington pair

Darlington pair: Two transistors wired together are called the Darlington pair, which allows a very small current to control large current.

Cylinder head

Cylinder head: The detachable portion of the engine, usually fastened to the top of the cylinder block and containing all or most of the combustion…

Cylinder block

Cylinder block: The basic engine casting containing the cylinders, coolant jackets, crankshaft main bearings as well as machined surfaces for mounting other components such as…


Cylinder: A circular tubular opening in the cylinder block in which the piston moves in a reciprocating manner.

Cubic capacity

Cubic capacity: It is the sum of the displacement of all the engine cylinders.

Crankshaft pulley

Crankshaft pulley: A pulley attached to the front end of the crankshaft, which drives the fan, the alternator and other devices by means of a…

Crankshaft position sensor

Crankshaft position sensor: A sensor ring with lobes, which sends information related to the exact position of the crankshaft so as to achieve accurate ignition/injection…

Crankshaft counter-balances

Crankshaft counter-balances: A series of weights attached to or forged integrally with the crankshaft placed in such a manner as to offset the reciprocating weight…


Crankshaft: The main engine shaft from which power is taken. It converts the reciprocating motion of the engine pistons into rotary motion for automobile use.


Crankcase: The lower part of an engine in which the crankshaft and related parts operate.

Coolant-controlled EGR

Coolant-controlled EGR: A system which prevents exhaust gas recirculation until engine coolant temperature reaches a specific value.


Coolant: A mixture of antifreeze and water which is circulated the engine to cool the same.


Controller: Electronic power control device to regulate the d.c. voltage supplied by the batteries to the d.c. motor; usually done by chopping the d.c. current…

Connecting rod

Connecting rod: It converts the linear motion of the piston into the rotary motion of the crankshaft. Its small end is connected to the piston…


Condenser: An electrical device which acts to store electrical charge at the break of circuit and supplies the same during the make period of circuit.