Lag Circuit

Lag Circuit: Another name for a bypass circuit. The word lag refers to the angle of the output phasor voltage, which is negative with respect…

Knee Voltage

Knee Voltage: The point or area on a graph of diode current versus voltage where the forward current suddenly increases. it is approximately equal to…


Junction: The border where p- and n-type semiconductors meet. Unusual things happen at a pn junction such as the depletion layer, the barrier potential, etc.

Inverting Voltage Amplifier

Inverting Voltage Amplifier: As the name implies, the amplified output voltage is inverted with respect to the input voltage.

Inverting Input

Inverting Input: The input to a diff amp or an op amp that produces an inverted output.


Intrinsic: Refers to a pure semiconductor. A crystal that has nothing but silicon atoms is pure or intrinsic.


Integrator: A circuit that performs the mathematical operation of integration. One popular application is generating ramps from rectangular pulses. This is how the time base…

Integrated Circuit

Integrated Circuit: A device that contains its own transistors, resistors, and diodes. A complete IC using these microscopic components can be produced in the space…

Insulated-Gate FET (IGFET)

Insulated-Gate FET (IGFET): Another name for MOSFET, which has a gate that is insulated from the channel, producing a smaller gate current than in a…

Instrumentation Amplifier

Instrumentation Amplifier: This is a differential amplifier with high input impedance and high CMRR. You find this type of amplifier as the input stage of…

Input Offset Voltage

Input Offset Voltage: If you ground both inputs of an op amp, you will still have an output offset voltage. The input offset voltage is…

Input Offset Current

Input Offset Current: The difference of the two input currents to a diff amp or an op amp.

Input Bias Current

Input Bias Current: The average of the two input currents to a diff amp or an op amp.

Initial Slope of Sine Wave

Initial Slope of Sine Wave: The earliest part of a sine wave is a straight line. Tice slope of this line is the initial slope…

Ideal transistor

Ideal transistor: The first approximation of a transistor. It assumes a transistor has only two parts: an emitter diode and a collector diode. The emitter…