AR3912 Urbanism and Architecture Design Studio Syllabus:

AR3912 Urbanism and Architecture Design Studio Syllabus – Anna University Regulation 2021


 To enable an understanding of urbanism as a continuous experience involving the interrelated disciplines of architecture, urban design and town planning.
 To understand architecture as influenced by and influencing the dynamics of cities/urbanism.
 To facilitate the taking of architectural design decisions in the context of the urban environment.


Urbanism is a dynamic phenomenon involving many aspects – urban growth, l and use distribution and change, urban form, demographics including gender and class, cultural aspects such as place and heritage, physical infrastructure such as roads and transportation nodes, public spaces, etc., Architecture is an integral and large part of urbanism, shaping and being shaped by it. It can serve to include/ gather society and enrich the urban environment in a seamless manner. Understanding of this aspect of architecture will be achieved by architectural projects involving interdependencies between architecture and the city. Some of the issues and areas that could be addressed are- transportation nodes, heritage areas, adaptive reuse, suburban sprawl, place making, identity, collective memory, mixed use programming, large scale urban interventions, revitalisation and renewal of urban fragments, urban waterfront development, urban nodes, multiuse urban complexes.

The tools and techniques can include contemporary ways/ tools of perceiving, gathering and analysing data, inclusive, collaborative and participatory approaches, etc., It is preferable to have one major project with small exercises under it if required.


 Ability to perceive and design buildings as contributing to/ transforming the urban fabric.
 Ability to bring inclusivity into the architectural design process.


1. Jonathan Barnett, ‘An Introduction to Urban Design’, Harper and Row; 1982
2. Cavallo, R. et al, ‘New Urban Configurations’, IOS Press, 2014.
3. Henriette Steiner and Maximilian Sternberg, ‘Phenomenologies of the City: Studies in the History and Philosophy of Architecture’, Routledge 2015.
4. Jan Gehl, ‘Life between Buildings- Using Public Space’, ArkitektensForleg,2011.
5. ‘Time Savers Standard for Urban Design’, Donald Watson, McGraw Hill, 2017.
6. Malcolm Moore and Jon Rowland Eds, ‘Urban Design Futures’, Routledge, 2006.


1. Michelle Provoost et al., ‘Dutchtown’, NAI Publishers, Rotterdam, 1999.
2. Lawrence Halprin, ‘Cities’, MIT Press, 1972.
3. Gosling and Maitland, ‘Urban Design’, St. Martin’s Press, 1984.
4. Kevin Lynch, ‘Site Planning’, MIT Press, Cambridge 1984.
5. Jeremy Till et al, ‘Spatial Agency: Other Ways of Doing Architecture’, Routledge, 2011.