AR3811 Practical Training Syllabus:

AR3811 Practical Training Syllabus – Anna University Regulation 2021


 To give overall exposure to the practice of architecture, its scope, needs and challenges.
 To give familiarity about different stages in real life architectural projects.
 To create involvement in these stages as much as possible within the scope of a specific
architectural practice.


Practical Training will be done in offices/ firms in India, empaneled by the institution, in which the principal architect is registered with the Council of Architecture. The student will attempt to learn as much of aspects involved in real life projects as possible through direct involvement, and wherever that is not possible, through study and indirect observation. The aspects include initiation and ideation of project (including competitions), study research in specific areas, development of concepts into schematic drawings, or approval process, presentations and working drawings, involvement in office discussions and client meetings, integrating structural and service concerns, estimation and tendering processes, site supervision and coordination in the construction process.

The progress of practical training will be assessed periodically internally through submission of log books along with work done by the students in terms of drawings, reports, etc., along with the regular progress report from the employers.

The students will be evaluated based on the criteria related to their contribution in the office some of which are given below.

 Understanding and involvement in the process of architectural practice within the scope of the specific office in which training is undertaken.
 Adherence to time schedule, overall responsibility and professional conduct.
 Ability to carry out the instructions on preparation of schematic drawings, presentation drawings, working drawings and skill in this regard.
 Ability to participate and contribute to research, study, ideation.
 Ability to work as part of a team in an office and contribute to related activities.
 Ability to participate in client meetings and discussions.
 Involvement in supervision at project site.
 Involvement/ initiative/ participation in any other aspects during the course of the training.

At the end of the Practical Training, a portfolio of the specific work done by the student during the period of internship certified by the office should be submitted for evaluation through a viva voce examination.


 An overall idea of the nuances of architectural practice.
 An understanding about the total process that goes into the making of a building.
 Clarity about the field of architecture that could be carried forth to the higher semester(s).