AR3511 Urban Architecture Design Studio Syllabus:

AR3511 Urban Architecture Design Studio Syllabus – Anna University Regulation 2021


 To introduce the challenges involved in the design of projects and typologies related to diverse needs and ways of contemporary urban life.
 To enable exploration of the above projects and typologies with perception, socio-cultural awareness and innovation.


Human environment today is synonymous with heterogeneity of populace and their diverse needs and lifestyles. Private and public spaces for varied programmes such as living, working and sociocultural needs bring individuals and groups in intersection or proximity to each other. Further, current transformations in urban society have led to many changes in buildings. The challenge within the discipline of architecture is not only to create conducive spaces for contemporary ways of life within particular contexts, but also to identify issues and programmes and address them in innovative ways. These would include urban living, urban working, socio-cultural life, urban recreation, etc., Achieving comfort without sacrificing on density would also be a concern, along with exposure to building byelaws and barrier free environment. The approach and projects will be directed towards one or more of these aspects.

The tools and techniques engaged for study and design can be those which are best suited to study the above, including mapping of urban patterns/ways of life and needs, demographics, socio-cultural aspects, densities, land use, etc.,

Projects will address specific situations/scenarios/typologies characteristic of urban life and context, either single or mixed use. They will be of medium to large scale, involving repetitive or unique spaces, low or mid rise buildings with passive/active energy. The number of projects is left to the discretion of the faculty based on scale and complexity.


 Ability to understand the nature, needs and ways of contemporary urban society as well as relate the existing built environment as a reflection of this.
 Ability to draw from this understanding and identify issues/ challenges involving contemporary urban life and the built environment.
 Ability to give appropriate/ innovative design solutions in the above context.


1. Joseph De Chiara, Michael J Crosbie, ‘Time Saver Standards for Building Types’, McGraw Hill Professional, 2001.
2. ‘Ernst Neuferts Architects Data’, Blackwell ,2002.
3. Stephen A. Kliment, Editor, ‘Building Type Basics’ Series, Wiley.
4. Wolfgang Preiser, Korydon H. Smith, ‘Universal Design Handbook’, 2nd Edition, McGrawHill, 2010.


1. Rem Koolhaas et al, ‘Project on the City II: The Harvard Guide to Shopping’, Taschen, 2001.
2. Peter Coleman, ‘Shopping Environments: Evolution, Planning and Design’, Routledge, 2006.
3. LMVRDV, ‘FARMAX- Excursions on Density’, 010 Publishers, 2006.
4. Jos Boys, ‘Disability, Space, Architecture: A Reader’, Routledge, 2017.
5. Emily Talen, ‘Design for Diversity’, Routledge, 2012.
6. Luis Alexandre Casanovas Blanco (Ed), ‘After Belonging: Objects, Spaces, and Territories of the Ways We Stay in Transit’, Lars Muller Publishers, 2016.
7. Manuel Gausa, ‘Housing: New Alternatives, New Systems’, Birkhäuser Basel 1999
8. Mark Hutter, ‘Experiencing Cities (The Metropolis and Modern Life)’, Routledge, 2015.