AR3311 Advanced Space Design Studio Syllabus:

AR3311 Advanced Space Design Studio Syllabus – Anna University Regulation 2021


 To enable an understanding of the fundamental possibilities of architectural form and space in relation to human experience and use within the context of the immediate living environment.
 To get the above understanding through personal, first hand exploration as well as through theoretical and literature studies.
 To use this understanding to create meaningful built environment in the context of small scale projects that involve simple function and experience.


Designing a built environment requires the development of individual capacity for thought with respect to subjective and objective aspects. Studying and designing projects of small scale that involve a more immediate and basic experience is important in this context. The study and project exploration will involve the following aspects from first principles as well as through live studies and theory – human behaviour, activities and needs for various purposes, role of specific form/space in creating particular experiences and effects, built form-open space relationships, spatial organisation, environment behaviour aspects (especially those relating to children), lighting and ventilation, site as a positive tool in all scales, potential of materials and construction. Through this, both the qualitative and quantitative attributes of design can be understood and engaged. This would give training in the ingenious use of architecture to fulfil goals towards a responsive and stimulating environment.

The techniques used for study and presentation can align themselves towards the above, such as cognitive maps, sketches, manual drawings, physical models with simple materials. The scale and complexity of projects will be commensurate with this – small to medium size projects involving buildings/ small campuses with simple circulation, passive energy, multiples of single unit space, single use buildings. Some suggestive projects are small buildings or small campuses involving civic/ cultural use, uses related to children such as schools, facilities for people with special requirements. The number of projects is left to the discretion of the faculty based on scale and complexity.


 Ability to perceive, understand and represent fundamental attributes of form-space with respect to human experience and use.
 Ability to ideate, innovate and create meaningful built environment in basic human situations.


1. Joseph De Chiara, Michael J Crosbie, ‘Time Saver Standards for Building Types’, McGraw Hill Professional, 2001.
2. Kevin Lynch, ‘Site Planning’, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1967.
3. Steen Eiler Rasmussen, Experiencing Architecture, MIT Press, 1962.
4. Kent C. Bloomer and Charles W. Moore, ‘Body, Memory, and Architecture’, Yale University Press, 1977.
5. JuhaniPallasmaa, ‘The Eyes of the Skin – Architecture and the Senses’, John Wiley: New York, 2005.


1. Julius Panero, Martin Zelnik, ‘Human Dimension and Interior Space’, Whitney Library of Design, 1975.
2. Richard P. Dober, ‘Campus Planning’, Society for College and University Planning ,1996
3. Sam F.Miller, ‘Design Process: A Primer for Architectural and Interior Design’, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1995.
4. Dudek M, ‘Schools and Kindergartens’, Birkhauser 2007.