AR3081 Thesis Syllabus:

AR3081 Thesis Syllabus – Anna University Regulation 2021


 To ensure consolidation and application of the knowledge gained in preceding years of architectural education in the context of an architectural design project of the student’s choice.
 To enable identification and addressing of key issues/aspects inherent in a project or to enable development of thought processes in specific issues/aspects/situations leading organically to an architectural design project.
 To facilitate development of ability to handle and complete projects independently as a precursor to professional life in architecture.


Thesis is the culmination in the journey of architectural education that encapsulates ability of design exploration and skills of design execution. Students should decide a thesis topic of their choice in terms of design potential and/or idea/issue exploration. The topic could be project based with specific areas of study/ approach or study/ approach based leading to a project. If the latter, care should be taken to choose topics that can lead to sufficient architectural design component.

Students should submit the topic for approval with a rough outline of their interest in the topic, the nature of the project, area of focus, study and design scope, challenges, possible case studies, methodology and outcome. The areas of study/research/design can include any of the broad areas of the discipline – contemporary needs of society, history, theory, architectural philosophy, sustainability, structural or service oriented design, projects that involve complex planning and integration of several aspects, appropriate architecture, urban design, contemporary processes, social housing, urban oriented architectural design, conservation oriented architectural design, etc.

The progress of work will be reviewed periodically throughout the semester. At the end of the semester, students should submit the final thesis project for the viva voce exam. The final submission will comprise of study sheets, optional study models, design approach sheets, optional design process models, design presentation sheets, final model, detailed drawings of an important part of the project, project report summarising the entire thesis work and soft copy of all the work.


 Skill, knowledge and expertise in the domain of architectural design.
 Ability to handle a major architectural project independently through all stages.
 Ability to intensify thought process directed at a specific area of focus and convert it to a product.


1. Linda Grant and David Wang, ‘Architectural Research Methods’, John Wiley and Sons, 2013.
2. Joseph De Chiara, Michael J Crosbie, ‘Time Saver Standards for Building Types’, McGraw Hill Professional, 2001.


 Stephen A. Kliment, Editor ‘Building Type Basics’ Series, Wiley.
 Igor Marjanović, Katerina RüediRay, LesleyNaaNorleLokko, ‘The Portfolio – An Architecture Student’s Handbook’, Routledge, 2015.