AR3029 Artificial Intelligence in Design Process Syllabus:

AR3029 Artificial Intelligence in Design Process Syllabus – Anna University Regulation 2021


 To give knowledge and understanding about the discipline of Artificial Intelligence as a totality and its potential in Architectural Design.
 To give understanding about the relationship between architecture and computing within methodological design process.


Introduction to Artificial Intelligence; Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Machine Learning (MI), Block Chain, Etc.,


Definition of Cybernetics; Cybernetic architecture; Cyberspace; Virtual-Reality; The Architectural Relevance of Cybernetics;


Algorithm in Architecture; Data driven/informed process; Multi-Agent Design System; Automation in Design; Swarm Intelligence, Neural Networks, Morphogenetic, Self-Organising, Behavioural; Evolutionary and cognitive aspects;


Robotic construction, 4d Printer, Real-time Fabrication, Virtual/Augmented Reality, Flying Robots; Human-free construction process;


Application of AI in Architectural Projects/by Architects: Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA), Foster + Partners, Buro Happold, Arup Group, Matias Del Campo, Sidewalk Labs/Delve, Regen Villages, Phil Bernstein, Etc.,.


 Knowledge about artificial intelligence as a domain.
 Familiarity with artificial intelligence in architectural design process.
 Exposure to various intelligence design processes and new trans-disciplinary design methodologies.


1. Architecture in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: An Introduction to AI for Architects, Neil Leach, Bloomsbury Visual Arts.
2. The Routledge Companion to Artificial Intelligence in Architecture, Imdat As, Prithwish Basu, Routledge;
3. Artificial Intelligence and Architecture, From Research to Practice, Stanislas Chaillou, Birkhäuser.


1. Johnston, John, ‘Cybernetics and the New Complexity of Machines’, pp.27-62 in The Allure of the Machinic Life: Cybernetics, Artificial Life, and the New A.I, The MIT Press, 2008.
2. Nicholas Negroponte, ‘Soft Architecture Machines’, MIT Press 1975. Pp.6-49.
3. Michael Speaks, ‘Design Intelligence’, in Latent Utopias: Experiments within Contemporary Architecture (Graz, 2002), pp.73-76.
4. Frazer J.H., ‘The Cybernetics of Architecture: A Tribute to the Contribution of Gordon Pask’, Kybernetes, Vol.20, No.5/6 2001, pp 641-651.
5. Frazer J.H., ‘The Architectural Relevance of Cybernetics’, Systems Research, Vol 10, No.3, 1993, pp.43-48.
6. Johnston, John, ‘The New AI: Behaviour-based Robotics, Autonomous Agents, and Artificial Evolution, pp.27-64 in The Allure of the Machinic Life: Cybernetics, Artificial Life, and the New A.I., The MIT Press, 2008.
7. Andrew Pickering, ‘Grey Walter’ in the Cybernetic Brain: Sketches in Another Future, The University of Chicago Press, 2010.
8. McCarthy, John., Minsky, L, Marvin., Rochester, Nathaniel., Shannon, E, Claude., A proposal for the dartmouth summer research project on artificial intelligence, august 31,1955., AI magazine, 27,(2006), 4, pp. 12-13.
9. Carta, Silvio., Big data, code and the discrete city: shaping public realms, Routledge, London, UK, 2019.
10. Bini, Stefano, A., Artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, and cognitive computing: what do these terms mean and how will they impact health care?, The Journal of arthroplasty, 33, (2018), 8, pp. 2358-2361.
11. Silver, David., Schrittwieser, Julian., Simonyan, Karen., Antonoglou, Ioannis., Huang, Aja.,Guez, Arthur., Hubert, Thomas., et al. Mastering the game of go without human knowledge, Nature, 550, (2017), 7676, pp. 354-359.
12. Cellan-Jones, Rory, Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind /03.03.2020 / BBC,
13. Morel, Philippe., The Origins of Discretism: Thinking Unthinkable Architecture, Architectural Design, 89, (2019), 2, pp.14-21.
14. Cudzik, Jan., Radziszewski, Kacper., Artificial Intelligence Aided Architectural Design, Computing for a better tomorrow, proceedings of eCAADe Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe conference, eCAADe 2018, Lodz, Poland,2018, pp. 77-84
15. Holmes, Aaron, AI could be the key to ending discrimination in hiring, but experts warn it can be just as biased as humans / 03.03.2020 / Business insider,
16. Gallo, Giuseppe., Wirz, Fulvio., Tuzzolino, G, Francesco., Architects as tool consumers: discovering trends in software and programming languages for architecture with google trends, Archtheo 19, proceedings of Dakam Archtheo conference, Archtheo 19, Istanbul,Turkey, 2019, pp. 197-206.
17. Davis, Daniel., Evaluating Buildings with Computation and Machine Learning, Posthuman frontiers: data, designers and cognitive machines, proceedings of ACADIA Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture conference, ACADIA 2016, AnnArbor, USA, 2016, pp. 116-123.
18. Bonabeau, E., DORIGO, M and THERAULAZ, G 1999,Swarm Intelligence: From Natural to Artificial Sys-tems., Oxford University Press, New York;