AR3012 Interior Design Syllabus:

AR3012 Interior Design Syllabus – Anna University Regulation 2021


 To provide familiarity with the characteristics of interior spaces and furniture across history.
 To introduce the profession of interior design and bring out its role.
 To inform about the various components of interior space and give an understanding of the design aspects involved in each.


Outline of the characteristics of representative/ exemplary interior spaces, interior decoration and furniture in the Western world from the beginnings to twentieth century. Outline of characteristics of representative/ exemplary interior spaces, interior decoration and furniture in India across the ages, including living folk traditions.
Exercises in understanding historical aspects of interior spaces through literature review and case studies. Exercises involving conceptual design of contemporary interiors inspired by precedents.


Introduction to the professions of interior decoration, interior design and furniture design, bringing out their origin, evolution and current scope of work. Definition and process of interior design. Introduction to the design of interior spaces as related to typology, function and themes. Vocabulary of design in terms of elements (point, line, shape, form, space, colour, light, pattern, texture) and principles ( balance, proportion, scale, rhythm, hierarchy, unity, contrast, harmony, emphasis, movement) with specific reference to examples from interior design.
Exercises in understanding vocabulary of design through case studies and conceptual design.


Role of interior treatment and finishes in the experience of interior spaces. Outline of the design of components such as floors, ceilings, walls, partitions, window treatments and accessories based on parameters such as context, function, ambience, materials, properties, methods of construction, colour, texture.
Role of lighting in the experience of interior spaces. Outline of different types of interior lighting systems and fixtures based on their effects and suitability in different contexts.
Role of landscaping in the experience of interior space. Outline of interior landscaping elements such as rocks, plants, water, flowers, fountains, paving, artefacts. Their physical properties and effects on spaces.
Study of representative examples for all the above. Conceptual design exercises in all the above.


Introduction to furniture design as related to parameters such as human comfort and function (including anthropometrics and ergonomics), built in or freestanding, materials and methods of construction, cultural particularities, changing trends and lifestyles, innovations and design ideas.
Study of representative examples.
Furniture design exercises involving conceptual understanding of the above


 An understanding of interior design as an integral part of architecture and as an interdisciplinary and allied field related to architecture.
 An overall exposure to the ways in which interior spaces can be enriched through the design of specific interior components.


1. Francis D.K. Ching, ‘Interior Design Illustrated’, John Wiley and Sons, 2012.
2. Joseph DeChiara, Julius Panero, Martin Zelnik, ‘Time Saver’s Standards for Interior Design’, McGraw-Hill Professional, 2001.
3. John F. Pile, ‘Interior Design’, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.
4. Jan Pieper, George Michell, ‘The Impulse to Adorn- Studies in Traditional Indian Architecture’, Marg Publications, 1982.
5. Aronson J, ‘The Encyclopaedia of Furniture’, Potter Style, 1965.
6. Pat Kirkham, Susan Weber, Editors, ‘History of Design: Decorative Arts and Material Culture, 1400-2000’, Yale University Press, 2013.
7. John F.Pile, Judith Gura, ‘A History of Interior Design’, Wiley, 2013.


1. Helen Marie Evans, ‘An Invitation to Design’, Macmillan Pub Co, 1982.
2. Julius Penero and Martin Zelnik, ‘Human Dimensions and Interior Space’, Whitney, Library of Design, 1979.
3. Kathryn B. Hie singer and George H. Marcus, ‘Landmarks of Twentieth Century Design; Abbey Ville Press, 1995.
4. Susanne Sles in and Stafford Cliff, ‘Indian Style’, Thames and Hudson,1990.
5. Rosemary Kilmer, W. Otie Kilmer, ‘Construction Drawings and Details for Interiors: Basic Skills’, John Wiley and Sons, 2009.