AR3006 Product Design Syllabus:

AR3006 Product Design Syllabus – Anna University Regulation 2021


 To give understanding about the evolution of form and space in product design.
 To facilitate the interpretation of design concepts in different ways and layers.


Concept of Form and Space. Form elements and their properties – Volume, Plane, Line, Point. Form: Dimensions, Proportions, 3-D Primary Geometric Forms. Movement and Forces Relationships: Axis, Axial Movement, Forces, Curves and their application in Form. Study of Form relationships – Order, Joined Forms, Transitional Forms, Evolution of Form. Organisation of form – Spatial, Matrix. Static, Dynamic and Organic. Symmetry and Asymmetry. Balance: Structural, Visual. Orientation of form: Direction, Position. Overall Proportion. Considerations of Colour, Pattern, Texture and Proportion in products and product environments. Relating Form to Materials and Processes of Manufacture. Use of Computers for Form generation.


Selection of the projects is based on the possibility of user interaction leading to innovation. Projects end with a comprehensive presentation through working/ mock up models, design drawing and a report. The project is supported by detailed discussion on various stages in the design process emphasising the complementary nature of systematic and creative thinking. This is achieved by short supporting assignment in following topics: Creativity techniques like brain storming and synectics to develop creative attitude and open mind, design opportunity, problem perception , Idea Sketching ,clustering of ideas for concept development, exploratory mock up models for concept development, evaluation of concepts, final concept selection, concept development, refinement and detailing.


Batch production and mass production of products. Technical considerations of internal subsystems of a product and their influence on product detailing. Selection of natural, synthetic and manmade materials and their processes for detailing products for manufacture. Detailing mechanisms for foldable, stackable and collapsible considerations of the product. Design detailing of components vis-à-vis considerations of manufacture, maintenance and assembly. Detailing of products to be manufactured in Plastics. Component design of electronic products. Detailing for conditions of use including knock-down systems and its joinery. Usability and Ergonomic issues in product detailing. Design assignments on detailing of a given product component.


Introduction to automation and Computer Aided Design (CAD), Principles of Basic Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM). Hardware and graphics software in CAD. CAD applications and integration with other software packages. Evolution of Numerically Controlled (NC) machines and Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machines, programming of CNC machine. Free form or generative manufacturing processes (Rapid Prototyping). Working Principles of Rapid Prototyping machines. Types of Rapid Prototyping machines with technology employed. Rapid Tooling (RT): Soft tooling, Vacuum casting, Room temperature vulcanisation (RTV). Input devices, Contact and non-contact type digitisers such as Co-ordinate measuring machines, Laser and White light scanners. Product Modeling using CAD software and Rapid Prototyping machine.
Production using Rapid Tooling approach.


 An understanding of product design as a discipline.
 Ability to interpret real life situation into design.
 Knowledge about contemporary design process and manufacturing process of design.


1. H. G. Greet and R. R. Kostellow, ‘Elements of Design and the Structure of Visual Relationships’, Architectural Press, NY, 2002.
2. K. Critchlow, ‘Order in Space: A Design Source Book’, Thames and Hudson, 2000.
3. C. Akner-Koler, ‘Three-dimensional Visual Analysis, Institution for Industrial Design’, onftfack, Sweden, 1994.
4. Mike Baxter, ‘Product Design: Practical Methods for the Systematic Development of New Products’, Chapman and Hall, 1995.
5. Roozenburg and Eekels, ‘Product Design: Fundamentals and Methods’, John Wiley and Sons Inc; New Ed edition, 1995.
6. Goodrich, Kristina, ‘Design Secrets: Products: 50 Real-Life Projects Uncovered’, Industrial Designers Society of America, Rockport Publishers, 2001.
7. Rouse, William B, ’Design for Success: A Human-Centered Approach to Designing Successful Products and Systems’, Wiley-Interscience, 1991.
8. J.M. Gordon Jr.,’ Industrial Design of Plastics Products’, John Wiley and Sons, 2003.
9. G. Boothroyd, ‘Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly’, 2nd Edition, Marcel Dekker Inc., 2002.
10. J.W. Priest, S. M. Jose, ‘Product Development for Manufacturing’, Marcel Dekker Inc., 2001.