AO4211 Structures Laboratory Syllabus:

AO4211 Structures Laboratory Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


This laboratory course enables the students
1. To get practical knowledge on calibration of photoelastic materials.
2. To gain practical exposures on calculating shear centre locations for closed and open sections.
3. To provide with the basic knowledge of fabricating a composite laminate.
4. To have basic knowledge on unsymmetrical bending of beams.
5. To design and conduct different types of practical tests involving various aircraft structural components.


1. .Calibration of photo elastic materials
2. Experimental modal analysis
3. Forced vibration testing
4. Fabrication and static testing of composite laminates
5. Non-destructive evaluation of defects in composite laminates using acoustic emission
6. Non-destructive evaluation of defects in composite laminates using ultrasonics.
7. Whirling of composite shafts
8. Design, Fabrication and testing of a 3-D printed specimen.
9. Unsymmetrical bending of beams
10. Determination of influence coefficients and flexibility matrix
11. Shear centre location for open & closed thin-walled sections
12. Buckling of columns with different end conditions
13. Experimental verification of the Wagner beam theory
NOTE: Any 10experiments will be conducted out of 15.



At the end of the course, studentswill be able
CO1: To conduct tests and interpret data involving strain gauges.
CO2: To get exposure on experimental methods in photoelasticity.
CO3: To design an experimental evaluation technique for a given application.
CO4: To comprehend non-destructive testing methods.
CO5: To fabricate of composite laminates and characterizes it.


1. Electrical resistance strain gauges installation kit.
2. Circuit board with resistors, wires, clips, etc, and strain gauges.
3. Column testing set-up (with provision for different end conditions)
4. Unsymmetrical beam bending set-up.
5. Dial gauges & travelling microscope.
6. Experimental setup for location of shear centre (open & closed sections)
7. Whirling of shafts demonstration unit.
8. Photo-elastic models.
9. Equipment for the fabrication of composite laminates.
10. Testing instruments and equipment for acoustic emission testing.
11. Testing instruments and equipment for ultrasonics testing.
12. Diffuser transmission type polariscope with accessories
13. Experimental setup for vibration of beams& vibration measuring instruments.
14. Universal Testing Machine.
15. 3-D printing machine.
16. Wagner beam & accessories.