PX4161 Power Converters Laboratory Syllabus:

PX4161 Power Converters Laboratory Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


 To provide the basic understanding of the dynamic behavior of the power electronic switches
 To make the students familiar with the digital processors used in generation of gate pulses for the power electronic switches
 To make the students acquire knowledge on the design of power electronic circuits and implementing the same using simulation tools
 To facilitate the students to design gate drive circuits for power converters
 To provide the fundamentals of DC-AC power converter topologies and analyze the harmonics.


1. Study of switching characteristics of Power MOSFET & IGBT.
2. Circuit Simulation of Three-phase semi-converter with R,RL& RLE load.
3. Circuit Simulation of Three-phase fully controlled converter with R, RL & RLE load.
4. Circuit Simulation of Three-phase Voltage Source Inverter in 180 and 120 degree mode of conduction
5. Circuit simulation of Three-phase PWM inverter and study of spectrum analysis for various modulation indices.
6. Simulation of Four quadrant operation of DC Chopper.
7. Generation of Gating pulse using Arduino/Micro Controller/PIC microcontroller for a DC-DC converter and single-phase voltage source inverter.
8. Simulation of a single-phase Z-source inverter with R load.
9. Simulation of three-phase AC voltage Controller with R load.
10. Simulation of a five-level cascaded multilevel inverter with R load.
11. Simulation of a Flyback DC-DC converter



CO1: Comprehensive understanding on the switching behaviour of Power Electronic Switches
CO2: Comprehensive understanding on mathematical modeling of power electronic system and ability to implement the same using simulation tools
CO3: Ability of the student to use arduino/microcontroller for power electronic applications
CO4: Ability of the student to design and simulate various topologies of inverters and analyze their harmonic spectrum
CO5: Ability to design and fabricate the gate drive power converter circuits. Analyze the three-phase controlled rectifiers and isolated DC-DC converters for designing the power supplies