EY4211 Energy Conservation Laboratory Syllabus:

EY4211 Energy Conservation Laboratory Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


1. To Understand the working and usage of instruments employed in energy audits
2. To Learn the methodology adopted for performance evaluation of industrial equipments
3. To compare the performance parameters of equipments with benchmark standards to
explore the avenue for performance improvement.


1. Study of energy audit instruments (flue gas analyser, calorimeter, pitottube, digital pressure indicator, differential manometer, anemometer – vane type and thermal type, digital tachometer – contact/non-contact, stroboscope, hygrometer, temperature indicator – contact type and non-contact type, ultrasonic leak detector, ultrasonic flow meter, lux meter, energy manager, harmonic analyzer, KVA demand analyser)
2. Performance evaluation of boiler adopting direct and indirect method
3. Determining the efficiency of a simple impulse steam turbine
4. Assessment of performance of steam condensers
5. Performance evaluation of air compressors and computing its specific energy consumption and cost of compressed air
6. Determining the characteristics of an induction motor and computing its efficiency adopting direct and indirect method
7. Determination of pump & pumping system characteristics (pump curve, system curve and BEP)
8. Comparison on the effect of different discharge control techniques in pumps (VFD, throttling and bypass mode) with respect to specific energy consumption
9. Analysis of various luminaries and evaluation of their efficacy
10. Determination of characteristic curves of blowers and comparison of its characteristics upon subjecting it to damper control at inlet and discharge.
11. Performance evaluation of cooling tower
12. Comparison on the performance of shell and tube, pipe-in-pipe and plate heat exchangers



Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Evaluate the specific energy consumption of industrial utilities
2. Estimate the cost of energy for process essentials like steam, compressed air
3. Examine the performance parameters of various energy equipments