EV4112 Environmental Microbiology Laboratory Syllabus:

EV4112 Environmental Microbiology Laboratory Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


 To train the students in the analysis of various microbiological techniques, microbiological analysis, enzyme assay, pollutant analysis and operation of bioreactors.


1. Preparation of culture media,
2. Isolation and culturing of microorganisms
3. Microscopical identification of Microorganisms (algae, bacteria and fungi)
4. Measurement of growth of microorganisms,
5. Analysis of air borne microorganisms,
6. Staining of bacteria.
7. Effect of pH, temperature on microbial growth
8. Bacteriological analysis of wastewater (Coliforms, E.coli, Streptococcus) – MPN
9. Bacteriological analysis of wastewater (Coliforms, Streptococcus) – MF techniques,
10. Effect of Heavy metals on microbial growth.
11. Detection of Anaerobic bacteria (Clostridium sp.)
12. Bioreactors (cultivation of microorganisms)


On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to
CO1 Explain the basic importance and functional elements of environmental microbiology including the types of microorganisms in air, water and soil.
CO2 Understand and describe the type of microorganisms in the environment, their importance and the method of culturing of microorganisms in the laboratory.
CO3 Understand the basic biochemical method of identification of microorganisms and to identify them using microscopial tool.
CO4 Select and apply appropriate methods for detection in the water, air and soil borne pathogens, their health implications, importance of microbes in our daily life.
CO5 Conduct testing and research on toxicology, the importance of test organisms, environmental applications of such microorganisms in toxicological studies and in developing risk based standards.


1. APHA, “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater”, 22nd Ed. Washington, 2012.
2. Charles P. Gerba, “Environmental Microbiology: A laboratory manual”, Elsevier Publications, 2012.
3. Christon J. Hurst, Ronald L. Crawford, Jay L. Garland, David A. Lipson, Aaron L. Mills, and Linda D. Stetzenbach, “Manual of Environmental Microbiology”, 3rd Edition, ASM Press, 2007.