EV4111 Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Syllabus:

EV4111 Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


 To train the students in the analysis of physico-chemical parameters with hands on experience .
1. Good Laboratory Practices, Quality control, calibration of Glassware
2. Sampling and Analysis of water (pH, alkalinity, hardness, chloride, Sulphate, turbidity EC, TDS,TS, nitrate, fluoride and Iron)
3. Sampling and Wastewater analysis (BOD, COD, Phosphate, Ammonia, TKN, Oil & Grease, Surfactant and heavy metals)
4. Sampling and characterization of soil ( Moisture, EC, pH ,Na and K)


CO1 : Ability to calibrate and standardize the equipments
CO2 : Abiltiy to collect proper sample for analysis
CO3 : The candidate ability to perform field oriented testing of water, wastewater and soil
CO4 : Able to perform soil testing
CO5 : Able to perform analysis of water and wastewater


1. APHA, “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater”, 22nd Ed. Washington, 2012.
2. “Laboratory Manual for the Examination of water, wastewater soil Rump”, H.H. and Krist, H. – Second Edition, VCH, Germany, 3rd Edition, 1999.
3. “Methods of air sampling & analysis”, James P.Lodge Jr(Editor) 3rd Edition, Lewis publishers,Inc,USA,1989.