SF4311 Design Studio Syllabus:

SF4311 Design Studio Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


 Train the students to use various software packages for simulating and analyzing the real field problems in Geotechnical Engineering.


Students have to work individually with software packages for simulating and analyzing the various geotechnical engineering problems;
 Soil – structure interaction such as Foundations and Retaining walls
 Ground improvement related problems.
 Analyze and design real challenging problems – deep excavation – impact on adjacent structures
 Stability analysis of slope and embankment – surcharge adjacent to an existing structure
 A detailed report on the work done should be submitted by individual students at least 10 days before the last working day of the semester. The students will be evaluated through a viva-voce examination by a team of internal staff.


On completion of the course, the student is expected to be able to
CO1 use software programs for arriving solutions to various practical design problems in Geotechnical Engineering
CO2 develop numerical model tool with the use of software to arrive solutions for geotechnical problems
CO3 Communicate the numerical model concept and interact with geotechnical engineering community


1. Web link for open source and shareware software using the link http://www.ggsd.com.