AR3121 Geometrical Understanding and Representation Syllabus:

AR3121 Geometrical Understanding and Representation Syllabus – Anna University Regulation 2021


 To introduce geometrical understanding as one of the bases of architecture.
 To give an understanding of basic and derived geometry of form in terms of their generation and attributes.
 To give skills of representation of forms in terms of technical drawing and projections.


Relation between geometry and form. Introduction to point, line, plane, solid. Definition of geometrical drawing. Drawing lines and angles. Drawing shapes/ planar surfaces – triangle, square, rhombus, rectangle, polygon, hexagon, etc). Drawing of circles, tangents, curves, conic sections (hyperbola, parabola, ellipse).
Construction of physical planar models of all the above. Viewing the physical planar models from different angles and sketching them with light and shade, shadow as a prelude to understanding the concepts of different types of projections and sciography. Introduction and explanation of terminologies – orthographic, isometric, axonometric, perspective projections and sciography.


Drawing problems on orthographic, isometric and axonometric projections of lines and planes of different types in different positions. Sciography for the same. Types of perspective projections- one point, two point, three point. Terminologies- picture plane, stationary point, vanishing point, cone of vision, eye level, etc., Methods of constructing perspectives.
Drawing perspective projections of simple planar surfaces/ shapes. Sciography for the same.


Introduction to geometric solids- cube, prism, pyramids, cones, cylinders. Generation of geometric solids through construction of physical models from lines and planar surfaces (including concept of development). Construction of block models of solids. Viewing the models from different angles and sketching them with light and shade, shadow in order to understand them in different types of projections.
Drawing problems on orthographic, isometric and axonometric projection of solids of different types in different positions. Sciography for the same. Perspective projection of simple solids. Sciography for the same.


Understanding sections of solid and true shape of sections through cutting of block models, viewing them from different angles and sketching them. Understanding simple intersection of solids and composite forms through making block models and viewing them from different angles and sketching them.
Simple drawing problems on orthographic, isometric and axonometric projection of the above


 Ability to understand the relationship between geometry and architectural form.
 Understanding of various attributes of geometric forms and skill in their creation and dissection.
 Ability to represent geometric forms through technical drawings.


 Morris I.H., ‘Geometrical Drawing for Art Students’, Orient Longman, Madras, 2004.
 Francis D. K. Ching, ‘Architectural Graphics’, John Wiley and Sons, 2012.
 Natarajan K.V, ‘A Textbook of Engineering Graphics’, Dhanalakshmi Publishers, Chennai, 2006


1. Leslie Martin C, ’Architectural Graphics’, The Macmillan Company, New York, 1978.
2. Fraser Reekie, ‘Reekie’s Architectural Drawing”, Viva Books Private Limited, 1999.
3. Roger Burrows, ‘3D Thinking in Design and Architecture’, Thames and Hudson, 2018.