RE4312 Real Estate Development Studio – III Syllabus:

RE4312 Real Estate Development Studio – III Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


 To provide practical opportunities for students to understand development mechanism in the context of Special Purpose Vehicle, Special Economic Zone and Smart cities.
 To explore the potential in the Brown-field development, Regeneration strategies and its process of systematic implementation
 To equip students to understand large scale industrial developments
 To sensitize the students to asset creation through resilience, climate adaptive strategies
 To understand the flow of mobilization of resources, funding options & partnerships.


The studio aims at understanding large-scale developments – Green & Brownfield through research, trend, market analysis and demand assessment. Macro level profiling of Infrastructure, Network, flow of resources & locational aspects pertaining to Real Estate intervention is demonstrated through the projects on Special Economic Zones and Smart Cities. Application of Real Estate models, stake holder

 To provide scope for independent study, exploring specific areas of interest pertaining to Real estate design, development, legal & finance-based mechanisms & application.
 To address research gap in the contemporary/ emerging areas of Real Estate Design & Development
 To review literature/ white papers & case studies of Global and Indian economic, regulatory & project scenarios and understand their impact on the Real Estate Sector
 To do critical analysis, understand trend & market scenario and find possible solutions for the various issues.
 To gain knowledge in technical report writing.

analysis, tools and techniques of financing are explored in green and brownfield development projects. Optimization of Real Estate based approach to city making, addressing green and blue networks, outlining disaster management portfolio, encompass the spectrum to be explored at the studio. Real Estate potential in heritage valued properties, adaptive re-use & commodification, asset creation through resilience & climate adaptation forms the outline for extended areas to be explored Components of the project – Feasibility Studies, Locational Analysis, Site Analysis, Economic and Market Need /Demand assessment, Development mix, zoning & Circulation Network, Master plan, Phasing, Infrastructure, Landscape & Marketing plan. Financial outlay Project Costing, Cash flow, ROI, IRR & Detailed Project Report



CO1 The student will understand the drivers of large-scale developments and its implementation through SPV
CO2 the student will understand the Real Estate potential in redevelopment and urban renewal projects
CO3 The student is equipped to relate to infrastructure provision & economic catalyst in an Industrial development
CO4 The Students will be exposed to vulnerability, risk and adaptive mechanisms
CO5 The student will be able to analyse various public and private partnership models