BA4013 Product and Brand Management Syllabus:

BA4013 Product and Brand Management Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


 To help the students appreciate the relationship between Corporate Strategy and Product and Brand Management
 To provide a framework to understand the new product development process, the organisational structures for new product development and product management functions within an organisation
 To explore the various issues related to Brand Management and to enhance the understanding and appreciation of this important intangible strategic asset, including brand associations, brand identity, brand architecture, leveraging brand assets, brand portfolio management etc.


Management of New Product Development Process – Managing Product Life cycle -Brands and Branding- Introduction to Brand Management -Brand Management Process – Brand Choice Decisions and Models.


Product Plans-Elements of Branding- Brand Identity -Brand Communication -Brand Positioning -Brand Image and Personality – Valuation of Brands- Brand Valuation -Brand Tracking and Monitoring.


Marketing Mix Factors and Products-Managing Brand Over Time- Building Brands in Indian Market – Launching a New Brand -Revitalizing Brands – Branding Strategies- Brand Extension Strategies – Brand Portfolio Management- Managing Brands Across Geographical Borders.


Managing Brand Experience – Digital Branding-Employment Branding – Co-branding- Brand extension scorecard-Culture and branding-Brand flashbacks-Future brand priorities.


Advertising -Brand Name Plan- Pricing Systems -Product Distribution Systems -Advertising and Sales Promotion – Product Sales Management -Product and Public Relations Service Product Marketing – Industrial Product Marketing Product Exports and International Marketing -Critical Success Factors in Brand Management.



 Apply the fundamental concepts of product and brand development and management.
 Use the brand positioning framework to develop a brand, keep it relevant, expand a brand internationally, and reposition a brand.
 Use tools and metrics to analyse competitors and develop positioning strategies.
 Recognize the importance of using teams and organization to coordinate multiple interdisciplinary tasks in order to create and manage products within an organization.
 Apply an understanding of the product manager’s role in product pricing, sales, and promotion.


1. Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity, by Kevin lane Keller; Ambi M. G. Parameswaran; Issac Jacob; Fourth edition; Pearson Education India; 2015; ISBN-10: 9789332542204; ASIN: 9332542201
2. Product and Brand Management Tapan K. Panda Paperback: 888 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press; First edition ( January 2016);ISBN-10: 9780199460496; ISBN-13: 978-0199460496; ASIN: 0199460493
3. Product and brand management by U C Mathur; Publisher: Excel Books ( December 2012)ISBN10: 9350620146;ISBN-13: 978-9350620144