NT4211 Materials Structural Characterization Laboratory Syllabus:

NT4211 Materials Structural Characterization Laboratory Syllabus – Anna University PG Syllabus Regulation 2021


 To learn imaging techniques to study structural morphology of nanomaterials.
 To analysis the crystal structure and interpretation via XRD analysis

1. Determination of size and lateral dimensions of various samples (pollen grains, strands of hair) using a high magnification optical microscope.
2. SEM analysis of powder, thin films, porous materials
3. SEM interpretation of powder, thin films, porous materials
4. Surface topography analysis using AFM : powder, thin films, porous materials
5. Surface topography interpretation of powder, thin films
6. XRD analysis of powder sample.
7. XRD interpretation of powder samples: Determination of lattice parameters and crystallite size.



CO1: Will get experience in analyzing the nanomaterials
CO2: Able to interpret SEM and AFM images
CO3: XRD interpretations of Nanopowders are gained and crystallanity can be analysed